Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions


Enter your search below or browse all by Topic, Bible Location, or Keywords

  1. Baptism: Study the Topic (8-17)


    Study from creation to Jesus' return; then see how God is at work through Baptism and the Bible!

  2. Bible Classes and Sunday School (04-23)


    The Bible is essential for our lives in Christ!

  3. Deacon - A Word Study (7-15)


    What is the Bible meaning of "deacon"?

  4. God's Awesome Work to Rescue Us (4-17)


    The Bible is true > OT highlights > Jesus' saving work > all have sinned > all need Jesus > life in Christ

  5. Halloween and the Bible


    Do you trust in Jesus? Do you participate in Halloween? If yes, please read this short but important brochure!

  6. The Bible

    The Bible

    The Word of God (the 66 books of the Bible) is our only rule and norm of faith and practice!

  7. The Bible Is True - Get the Evidence!


    Prophecy; Evolution vs. Creation; a Legal Perspective on the Four Gospel Accounts; and the Bible Itself!

  8. The Bible Puzzle (10-20)


    The Bible is like a HUGE eternal puzzle; this brochure will help you put the major pieces together!