We believe that God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – has made us, loves us, and has saved us! Now, by grace through faith in Jesus, God is our Heavenly Father, we are His forgiven children, He provides all that we need, and we will spend eternity with Him and all who know Jesus as Savior. Therefore, we are Bible-believing followers of Jesus!
A good way to learn more about Bethlehem Lutheran Church is to listen to some of our sermons. They are Bible-based, spiritually nourishing, and relevant for the twenty-first century. Many of our sermons are available on this website; you can easily listen and/or read along. Here are a few of our favorites:
We call them Divine Service, thus God’s Service, because He is present to bless us! You can come as you are or get dressed up; we tend to look at each other, but God looks at the heart. Our services are easy to follow. When you attend receive a Service Folder, which will make each part easy to understand and spiritually beneficial. We do want people to attend, but we especially want them to be richly blessed now and always!
In America we tend to focus on the here and now, but many in Africa are thinking about the hereafter. Some are asking: Is there a God? Is there a heaven? How do we get there? Therefore, God is working through these Bethlehem members: Rev. James May and Dr. Phillip Giessler to equip pastors, evangelists, and seminary students with solid answers from the Bible, the Book of Concord, and other important Lutheran books.
Pastor May and his family live in Kenya, while Dr. Giessler travels to Africa each year for approximately three months at a time. Pastor May is fluent in French and Kiswahili, while Dr. Giessler teaches English-speaking men or through interpreters. Through both men, and those who work with them, the Almighty God is equipping and encouraging Lutheran men to teach and preach God's life-saving Word to their congregations and communities!
Learn more about Lutherans in Africa
You can read or download our brochures to learn more and/or share them with your friends. Here are some of our best brochures:
We study the Bible to learn more about the One True God, His will for us, our sin, and His gift of forgiveness through Jesus. We receive spiritual strength, encouragement, and guidance for our daily Christian lives.
Everyone is invited to just listen or actively participate. Our primary gathering is each Sunday at 9:30, but we also offer other studies during the week.