Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions


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  1. 5 Amazing Gifts

    All Saints · 11/6/2022

    1-God chose us; 2-gave us physical life; 3-gave us spiritual life; 4-the intermediate heaven; 5-the fullness of eternal life

  2. All Roads to Heaven Lead through "Bethlehem"!

    Micah 5:1-5 · 12/2/2015

    "Come" to Bethlehem with Micah the Prophet! - Part 1 of 3

  3. Are You Keeping Watch?

    Matthew 24:36-44 · 11/27/2016

    As the door of the ark was already shut when the flood waters came, so the door to heaven will be already shut when Jesus comes.

  4. Are You on the Right Track?

    Reformation · 10/29/2023

    Most people are on one of three tracks, BUT ONLY ONE LEADS TO HEAVEN! Which one are you on?

  5. Are You Seeking and Doing God"s Will

    Acts 1:12-26 · 5/12/2024

    Learn what happened after Jesus ascended into heaven and how we should be functioning as believers in Jesus!

  6. Assurance of Heaven - From God's Word

    1 John 5:9-15 · 5/15/2021

    Most people WISH for heaven, but are NOT CERTAIN of heaven; watch, listen, or read to know FOR SURE!

  7. Do You Want to Go to Heaven? FAITH Is Necessary!

    Hebrews 4:1-16 · 10/18/2015

    What is faith? Hebrews 11:1; believing in Jesus for eternal life

  8. Don't Miss the Sign!

    John 2:1-11 · 1/16/2022

    Driving - miss a sign, miss your destination! Jesus - miss repenting, believing, obeying, miss heaven!