Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions


Enter your search below or browse all by Topic, Bible Location, Keywords, or Date

  1. Where Is Your Trust?

    Mark 6:30-44 · 7/20/2024

    Whenever something seems impossible, let us remember that NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE with God!

  2. Does Your Life Have a Roadblock?

    Mark 6:1-13 · 7/7/2024

    Dear Friend, as the people of Nazareth rejected Jesus, so we are tempted to do the same. Please watch, listen, or read to eternally benefit!

  3. Difficulties of Trusting in God's Mercy - Rev James May

    Mercy · 6/30/2024

    Based on Lamentations 3 and Mark 5, learn about and rejoice in God's forgiveness through Jesus!

  4. Who Is God, What Is Coming, Are You Ready - Part 2 of 2

    Salvation · 6/23/2024

    If you are not in Christ, please watch, listen, or read to discover the answers to seven very important questions. The information is of eternal significance!

  5. Who Is God, What Is Coming, Are You Ready - Part 1 of 2

    Salvation · 6/16/2024

    This new brochure is a FINAL opportunity for many to know God's truth and be set free before it is too late - don't miss out!

  6. Desperate Situation? Learn the Four Steps to Take!

    Psalm 130 · 6/8/2024

    Psalm Info; Desperate Situation; Four Action-Steps; the End of the Story - watch, listen, or read to benefit!

  7. The Sabbath Day and NT Believers

    Sabbath Day · 6/2/2024

    The Sabbath: What Day of the week? What were the OT purposes? What should we understand about the Sabbath today?

  8. Let Us Rightly Understand and Wholeheartedly Repent

    Acts 2:14a, 22-36 · 5/26/2024

    Since Jesus Is Lord and Christ, and will be the final judge, it is critical for all people to be sorry for their sins and trust in Jesus for eternal life!