Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions


Enter your search below or browse all by Topic, Bible Location, Keywords, or Date

  1. Are We Honoring Jesus as Lord - Part 12

    Luke 19:28-40 · 3/20/2016

    WHY Do You Trust in Jesus? For Earthly Needs! For Eternal Life!

  2. Are You Aligned With the Cornerstone?

    Luke 20:9-20 · 4/7/2019

    Has God shown you your helplessness to save yourself, made you sorry for your sins, and given you faith to trust in Jesus?

  3. Are You Spiritually Well?

    Luke 17:11-19 · 10/13/2019

    Are YOU trusting in Jesus for THIS life, for ETERNAL life, or for BOTH?

  4. Difficulties of Trusting in God's Mercy - Rev James May

    Mercy · 6/30/2024

    Based on Lamentations 3 and Mark 5, learn about and rejoice in God's forgiveness through Jesus!

  5. Do You Believe?

    Believe · 8/7/2022

    Most say, "Yes," but are you certain, do you live by your faith, and does your trust cancel your worry?

  6. God Is our Refuge and Strength!

    Psalm 46:1-11 · 10/28/2018

    Since we are always surrounded by trouble in this sin-filled world, let us always take refuge in God and trust in His strength!

  7. Halloween and the Bible

    Halloween · 10/22/2023

    Do you trust in Jesus? Do you participate in Halloween? If yes, please watch, listen, or read!

  8. He Ascended; Now What??

    Apostles' Creed · 5/10/2018

    Jesus ascended on the 40th day – to reign over all things for the good of those who trust in Him!